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TOC: Art in Translation - Nordic Artists' Colonies 1870-1914

From: Claudia Hopkins <> Date: Oct 20, 2017 Subject: TOC: Art in Translation - Nordic Artists' Colonies 1870-1914 ART IN TRANSLATION is pleased to announce the publication of a special issue: "Nordic Artists’ Colonies 1870-1914 (Part 1)," volume 9 issue 2 (2017), ed. by Frances Fowle (University of Edinburgh). Introduction: Nordic Artists’ Colonies 1870–1914 (Part 1) by Frances FOWLE Skagen by Holger DRACHMAN, transl. by Paul Russell Garett. First published in Danish as “Skagen,” in M. Galschiøt (ed.), Danmark i skildringer og Billeder af danske Forfattere og Kunstnere, vol. 1 (Copenhagen: P.G. Philipsens Forlag, 1887), 3–22. Skagen 1894 by Christian KROHG, transl. by Paul Russell Garrett. First published in Danish as “Skagen 1894,” in N. Rolfsen (ed.), Norge. Norsk Kalender (1894); reprinted in H. Koefoed and O. Thue (eds.), Kampen for tilværelsen (Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1921, 77–89). Introduction to Swedish Artists and Critics at Grez sur-Loing by Alexandra HERLITZ The Artists’ Colony in Grez-par-Nemours 1883 by Siri VON ESSEN, transl. by Chris Hall. First published in Swedish as “Artistkolonien i Grez-par-Nemours,” Ny Illustrerad Tidning (February 9, 1884). An Artists’ Colony in Grez, 1883 by Johan Christian JANZON (SPADA), transl. by Chris Hall. First published in Swedish as “En konstnärskoloni. (Bref till Stockholms Dagblad), Grez den 29 september,” Stockholms Dagblad (October 5, 1883). Carl Larsson by Georg PAULI, transl. by Chris Hall. First published in Swedish as “Carl Larsson,” in Pariserpojkarne (1926). The Fleskum Colony 1886 and the Norwegian Summer Night: Naturalism or Neo-Romanticism? by Marit WERENSKIOLD, transl. by Marie Wells. First published in Norwegian as “Fleskum-kolonien 1886 og den norske sommernatt. Naturalisme eller nyromantikk?,” Kunst og Kultur 71 (1988): 2–30. Reference / Quellennachweis: TOC: Art in Translation - Nordic Artists' Colonies 1870-1914. In:, Oct 20, 2017. <>. ____________________________________________________________________ - Network for Art History / Netzwerk für Kunstgeschichte Editorial Board Contact Address / Fragen an die Redaktion: Submit contributions to / Beiträge bitte an: Update your subscription / Abo-Verwaltung:

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